Order Products

You may now purchase InterPlan Systems products over the internet with your corporate or personal credit card. Of course, we also accept corporate purchase orders - contact us for details.
Notice – InterPlan Systems has engaged 2CheckOut.com Inc. (Ohio, USA) as an authorized retailer for our project estimating, planning, scheduling and management software and books. All orders placed here are processed using their secure system. InterPlan Systems does not receive or keep your credit card information.
Info – InterPlan Systems software is warranted for use on Microsoft Windows operating system platforms.
Please choose the desired software using the tabs on the left to access the corresponding order form.
Order eTaskMaker Site/Seat Licenses
Notice – Before ordering eTaskMaker site / seat licenses, please review the licensing options to ensure that you are ordering the correct licenses for your situation.
It is recommended that one eTaskMaker Wizard Seat License be ordered for each estimator, planner, scheduler, engineer, etc. that is responsible for generating project cost estimates or project schedules.
It is recommended that one eTaskMaker Module Editor Seat License be ordered for each estimator, planner, scheduler, engineer, etc. that will be responsible for modifying /customizing the planning modules for the eTaskMaker Wizard (or creating new modules).
Info – Please review the Schedule of Fees for eTaskMaker (.PDF) for detailed licensing information.
Clients looking to order more than five (5) total seats or desiring an unrestricted network version should contact us directly to request a proposal for an Enterprise License.
Notice – All orders placed for the eTaskMaker Wizard and Module Editor include charges for both a Site License and Seat Licenses. One Site License is required for each product for every new client. Existing clients (who have already purchased a Site License) may purchase additional Seat Licenses (copies) by removing the Site License from their order. New clients who order eTaskMaker without a Site License will have their order cancelled. If you have any questions about placing an order, please contact us.
Order eTaskMaker Lite Licenses
Notice – Before ordering eTaskMaker Lite licenses, please review the licensing options to ensure that you are ordering the correct licenses for your situation.
It is recommended that one eTaskMaker Lite license be ordered for each estimator, planner, scheduler, engineer, etc. that is responsible for generating project cost estimates or project schedules.
Info – Please review the Schedule of Fees for eTaskMaker Lite (.PDF) for detailed licensing information.
Clients looking to order an unrestricted network version should contact us directly to request a proposal for an Enterprise License of the standard eTaskMaker system.
Order ATC Professional Licenses
It is recommended that one ATC Professional Seat License be ordered for each scheduler that will be responsible for generating or modifying turnaround schedules (ie. working with the schedule logic). One Seat License is sufficient for unlimited access to managers, supervisors, data entry clerks, etc. to log-in to the system for basic data entry and/or reviewing/printing reports.
Info – Please review the Schedule of Fees for ATC Professional (.PDF) for detailed licensing information.
Clients desiring an unrestricted access version should contact us directly to request a proposal for an Enterprise License.
Notice – All orders placed for ATC Professional include charges for both a Site License and Seat Licenses. One Site License is required for each product for every new client. Existing clients (who have already purchased a Site License) may purchase additional Seat Licenses (copies) by removing the Site License from their order. New clients who order ATC Professional without a Site License will have their order cancelled. If you have any questions about placing an order, please contact us.
Order Conceptual Cost Estimator Licenses
For clients requiring just one or two copies of the Conceptual Cost Estimator (CCE), it is recommended to order the required quantity of CCE Seat Licenses. For clients requiring more copies, a single CCE Enterprise License may be specified instead for unlimited corporate wide use.
Notice – If you order the CCE Enterprise License for the Conceptual Cost Estimator, you only need to order ONE license.
Info – Please review the Schedule of Fees for the Conceptual Cost Estimator (.PDF) for detailed licensing information.
Order STO Planning / Management Handbooks
Please select the desired quantity of handbooks below. Individual pricing for the Handbooks has been set at U$D 185.- each (plus shipping and handling). The Planning Resources book is priced at $95 (plus shipping and handling).
Notice – All products are sold "as is". The customer assumes the responsibility for the purchase, and no refunds will be issued.
Privacy Policy – This policy covers how we use your personal information. We take your privacy seriously and will take all measures to protect your personal information. Any personal information received will only be used to fulfill your order, and may be used for internal analytical purposes. We will not sell or redistribute your information to anyone.