Turnaround Project Planning Primer

Anticipating and Satisfying Information Needs

As the information center of the turnaround effort, you must anticipate and satisfy the information needs of all departments and functions.

To this effect, you must obtain or prepare a list of the names of all those involved in the turnaround; preferably an organization chart showing the names of those assigned to this effort.

Most individuals may not be aware of the kind of information available to them. You will have to print out a report sampler and consult with the team members to determine their specific information needs. Be sure to make a list of their requirements.

Some individuals might prefer to get as little paper as possible. This may work as long as they do not miss any important information that could affect the outcome of the turnaround. If in your judgement you feel that certain individuals should be alerted to some potential problem, then you will have to give them copies of the appropriate reports.

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The Turnaround Project Planning Primer is an abridged version of the STO Planning Handbook.

For further reading, we also recommend Joel Levitt’s Managing Maintenance Shutdowns and Outages.